Lisa here, giving an update of life in Oz. Rick is back from New Cal and had fun (I know, fun at a mine site? Not something I usually hear when he comes back from site.) A little history lesson for you all, New Cal is a French Colony so the fun came from the food. He said he has never eaten so well! Well I guess that is what happens when you have been conquered by the French instead of the English, excellent food!! Damn the English getting to Australia mere hours before the French!! (a little more history for you all.) He went wind surfing and actually managed to get up. He has pictures but not on our camera and I have not seen them yet. I will get him to add them when he gets them.
Before that, we went on some day trips for the long weekend here (ANZAC day, Australia New Zealand Army Corps). We headed out with Toni and Mon on one day, and then Toni and her friend Alana from Melbourne the other. On Fri the 25th we went to the Kondalilla Waterfall and to see the giant pineapple. As per the title of this blog, we saw the biggest spider ever!! Bigger than my hand, its the pic below. We were going to put something up for scale but no one was getting close to it! After we took the picture that was the end of the walk!!! Back we went.
The next pics are of the waterfall, lunch in the town (Toni trying to eat my hand b/c she is so hungry...the food took a while.), the "weather" map, and then the GIANT PINEAPPLE!!
We had a great time, and were gone the whole day. People were swimming in the waterfall pool BUT, some kid came out with leeches on him, so...yeah..not going in. Then this unassuming tiny snake crossed my path and I thought nothing of it, BUT as this is Australia, turned out it was a brown snake and even the little ones are venomous...of course!
The giant pineapple was pure cheese! It was great, with the awesome pineapple store filled with super cheap and cheesy souvenirs. You then walked up the inside the pineapple to the top, all the way learning about pineapples! hehehe. But this is only one of many giant things around Australia, there is the giant Lobster and many more. We will try to go to more giant stuff if we can :)
On the Sat we went to Noosa heads and Underwater World. Noosa was great and super pretty, got to go to the beach and tan for a bit, did a little walking and got some great pics. Oh, and weird...when we were leaving we were in the parking lot and Alana was just standing behind the car and this crazy guy in a lowered truck starting freaking out b/c he thought she was in his way and started yelling at us that we were smoking heroine! HUH?! I think perhaps he may have been on drugs...and smoking heroine really your first option to yell at someone??!! Any who, it provided some entertainment for the rest of the trip for us all :)
And then for Rick we went to Underwater World (was there any doubt). The best part was this moving walkway that let you go under this HUGE fish tank, the pic is below. Oh and they had a frozen giant was crazy, it looked completely fake like some special effects guy made it up...also pic below.
Oh and during lunch, this woman comes up to us and wants to take our picture for the Sunday paper. It was for some seafood/fishing story they were doing (we were eating prawns) BUT we didnt make the paper some ugly fisherman did, looking sad about how he cant catch enough prawns or something...boooo! But it was pretty funny because the woman taking the pics wanted us to look 'natural' but then she had us feeding each other prawns...yeah!! right! how 'natural' is it to feeding your adult female friends seafood?? I mean really!!
Not too much else happened during the week, pretty low key. The weather broadcasters here still crack me up, they had 3 days at 22 degrees and are talking about heating bills skyrocketing! hehehe. And now I find that I am using some more Aussie terms now. Mobile instead of cell, Ute instead of truck, Boot instead of trunk, sunnies instead of is changing me!
Anywho, gotta jet, I will let everyone know updates as they happen. Email if you can!
Miss ya
Lisa and Rick
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