Hey everyone,
Well we are all moved in but of course there have been some issues :) Our kitchen table was delivered however, they had no chairs for us. When we bought it they told us everything was in stock, but then on the day we get a phone call and... no chairs. So right now, picture this if you will (i dont have a picture right now, you will have to use your imagination.) We have a single white recliner sitting in the middle of the living room and a kitchen table with no chairs......thats it. We sit on the floor when we eat. It looks like we are squatters :)
I was on the phone with the insurance company, to get contents insurance (funny, I know, we clearly have no contents, but anyway)...and I was telling her our living situation and she said even if we were robbed the robbers would think that we had already been robbed and try next door anyway! HEHEHE I thought that was a funny point especially coming from the insurance lady.
So anyway, our next job is to get a TV, BBQ and a DVD player. Ya cant be in Oz (that is what everyone calls it) without putting some SHRIMP ON THE BARBIE! (I am so happy I got to type that line).
I have also learned that the summer time here is also the rainy season. And it aint any kind of rain like we have in Van. Well first of all it is still freaking hot and second it pours like a monsoon for 15 min to 2hrs then stops and there is the sun....then it does it again like 2 hours later. Rick has been caught in a couple of these rain storms. I wish I had a picture to show you all but no, imaginations will have to be used again. Rick leaves the house in shorts and a T shirt and a couple hours later comes home looking like a drowned rat....soaked to the bone even his shoes are slopping, at first I had no idea what happened to him (my first thought was man!, you are sweaty!!) then I got the picture because of course by the time he got home it was bright sun shiny outside again. hehehehe I thought it was pretty funny. Here are some pictures of the rain....

So without the internet at home, no job hunting for me yet. If we get the internet like we are supposed to on Tues, then I should be able to start then. I will keep you all posted on how it goes on the job front.
Now, over to Rick.....
Some of the good points about the move is that the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen (cooking area anyway) is totally setup. Lisa and I were able to finally unpack our suitcases. We had been living out of them since Dec. 23. One of the biggest perks for me is that I actually now have space to put my clothes because the bedroom has two closets. Of course, Lisa got the bigger one but between the closet and the new dresser I have enough places to organize my clothes a bit as opposed to our previous arrangement where I got two drawers (socks, underwear, undershirts in one; pants shorts, shirts in the other) and a quarter of the closet(everything else).
Last night we cooked our first dinner in the place, actually I should correctly say Lisa cooked our first dinner in the new place. It was a wonderful pasta bake and salad (I was going to make the salad but clumsily sliced my finger while cutting a tomato thus leaving the duty for Lisa to complete) that I enjoyed so much so that Lisa has set a pretty high bar for all dinners that follow. Here is a picture of our magnificent feast....

Once the internet is setup (hopefully Tues. as Lisa mentioned) we will try to start reaching people on MSN Messenger or Skype so if you are setup with either of those send us your contact details so that we can add to our contacts. Later in the evening (Vancouver time) is the best time to reach us with the time difference.
Here are a couple more photos from around our place.
Walking path that runs from behind our building along river.

Street walk outside our door.

Hope everyone is doing well and we are always interested in hearing what you are up to.
Rick and Lisa