Hello all, Lisa here
Just at Ricks office for an hour while he finishes up some work. Thought I would bestow upon you all the knowledge I have gained here in my short 3 days. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
1. Whenever you walk into a store or bank or wherever, and you are greeted, no one says "hello, how can I help you?" they say "How you going?" Now, apart from that being very grammatically incorrect, it's stupid, "how am I going" ???? I felt like saying, "well, I am now going out of your store, learn English!"
2. The Ibis, the Ibis is a bird here in Australia that looks pretty but is everywhere, just like pigeons in Vancouver. I have learned that you are NOT to feed the Ibis.
3. Fashions here, not so good. I went to the shopping mecca here called Queens Street Mall and me and Brisbane are going to have to have a chat about fashion. Fashion is not a sack dress with flip flops OK? Fashion is not all about Sunglasses, there is more to it. I attempted to go shopping today and was gone for 3 hours and I bought NOTHING, ME, bought NOTHING! So, I have decided that I am going to have to stock up when I go to the states later in October. (Jennifer, my $400 exemption may not be enough now :))
4. There is a huge debate about daylight savings time here, they dont have it, BUT 70% of Queenslanders want it, BUT the Government wont do it.....dun dun dun, much water cooler discussion about that one.
5. Brittney Spears has lost her kids to Fed Ex. Now I know that you all probably know this given the fact that you are all closer to Hollywood than I, however, I learned this while I was in Brisbane (and isn't that the theme of this blog entry, yes, I think it is :))
6. Me and Rick have narrowed down the places where we would like to live. Did A LOT of walking around but I am still rooting for the CBD (the downtown).
7. Everything is more expensive here, my regular shampoo and conditioner are 2x the price, eating out is wayyyy more expensive, HOWEVER, you do not tip here. Waiters get paid a good $$$ salary.
8. It has not really rained here in 3 years, they are SERIOUS on water restrictions. Showers should be less than 3 minutes and they fine you (well in our case, the hotel) if you go over your allowed water limit.
9. People driving on the other side of the road is weird! Especially when you are crossing the road, when you have been taught, your whole life to look left then right it is really hard to change something that is ingrained in your brain.
10. I really like the weather here, BUT everyone tells me it is going to be stupid HOT when we come in Jan, but right now, very nice, so great to be wearing a dress and not have an umbrella or jacket with you, ... just in case of rain :)
11. Super friendly people, people will just chat with you just because, at first I thought it was just crazy people trying to talk with you on the street (like in vancouver) but here, everyone talks to everyone. Customs were the nicest people, which was strange of course :)
OK, so moral of the story, minus some small things :) I think I am going to be very happy here, I am looking forward to finding a place and getting settled.
I am safe and sound and our hotel is cute, so my week here is shaping up not too bad. Met all of Ricks co-workers and they are all super nice as well, and there are lots of places for Rock climbing here, both indoors and outdoors (Pete and Mitz, I am typing to you ) :) Me and Rick went to the Museum here and to a lot of the parks and on Thursday we are going to the Steve Irwin Zoo aka the Crocodile Hunter Zoo (any surprise to you all?) Should be fun. If I have time I will do another blog before I go, but if not, see you all on Sat Oct 6th, when me and Rick come home.
Lisa AKA Shelia :)